Fanciest schnitzels in the town

Feel free to step in, we don’t stiffen! Your new block restaurant on the Tehtaankatu ”Rööperbahn” street opens in March. Experience Helsinki’s most relaxed restaurant, where you can enjoy life’s great joys!

Welcome to Santpauli

At Santpauli you can enjoy comfort food and lovely drinks amid the cheerful chatter of people. The bar counter is located in the heart of the restaurant, and you can also see a glimpse of the kitchen while you are eating. From the large windows, you can watch the life and joy of the street, and in the summer you can enjoy the green street terrace. For dinner parties we even have a private room for 14 people. Whether you’re having a short or a long evening. Alone, as a couple, or with a group. We don´t charge a separate space rent for the private room.

Laughter for life – schnitzel for sweethearts!

Step in!

Schnitzels are our thing

Santpauli style schnitzels are made from pork, veal, chicken, fish, and even vegan. You can select the side dishes and sauces according to your own taste. Schnitzels are fried golden crispy and enjoyed with suitable drinks. Our motto is relaxation in the dining room, no compromises in the kitchen.

The cuisine also includes

Flammkuchens, thin fire crusts, in which we have a wide selection of amazing flavors.

Party with cozy atmosphere

in your own private room!

For dinner parties we have a private room for 14 people.  When you’re looking for a restaurant where you can enjoy comfort food and lovely drinks privately with your group, book Santpauli´s privete room. Or for a bigger party you can send a request of renting the whole restaurant (main dining room for ca. 40 pers.).
We don´t charge a separate space rent for the private room.

Elokuun hauskin After Work–ruokatapahtuma! Helsingin Pintxofestivaalien ajan 13.–17.8. klo 17-21 Santpaulissa Tehtaankadulla pääset herkuttelemaan meidän omalla kisa-annoksella:

🏆 Wieninleike-makuvoissa paistettu vasikan schnitzel, anjovista, rapeaa kaprista ja kesäperunaa 🏆

Tämän lisäksi tarjolla Pintxo-versio suosituimmasta jälkkärivohvelistamme. Molempia pääset maistelemaan hintaan 3,50€/kpl. 


#pintxofestivaali #santpauli #heleats 

Lue lisää tapahtumasta nettisivuiltamme, tule maistamaan annokset ja äänestä Santpauli voittoon!  Äänestäneiden kesken arvotaan 500€:n matkalahjakortti.

Paulin keittiössä schnitzelit paistetaan AINA kullanrapeiksi ja tarjoillaan haluamiesi soossien ja maukkauden lisujen kera.

📍Tehtaankatu 21, Helsinki

#schnitzel #heleats #helsinginravintolat

Paulin uusin juttu eli maistele kaikki kolme hanaoluttamme samalla kertaa! 

Mukana vaihtuva @ayinger_privatbrauerei kausiolut 👌

#santpauli #tehtaankatu #olut
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